NCH is part of Endeavor Health
Learn moreHave questions? We can help. Hopefully, you can find the answers you’re looking for here. If you still have additional questions about our PHO, please call 847-618-5250 to speak with one of our administrators.
Q: Who is eligible to join the PHO?
A: All physicians who are members of the Northwest Community Healthcare Medical Staff are eligible to apply.
Q: How long does it take to be credentialed?
A: Managed care entities have 60 to 90 days to complete the credentialing process. The PHO usually credentials a complete application within 90 days. Process time is shorter if you are currently on Medical Staff at Northwest Community Healthcare.
Q: What is the contracting process?
A: Once your application is approved, you will be given a PHO Risk and CI contract to sign. All physicians seeking membership must take all risk products and participate in CI. There are additional managed care plans that you can opt in or out of that will be provided with those options.
Q: How soon will it be effective in the PHO?
A: Once the contract is signed, the managed care plans are notified of your participation. It will be your responsibility to verify your effective date through the managed care company.
Q: What kind of site visit is required?
A: The PHO conducts office site visits and record reviews during initial credentialing and re-credentialing when practices have added or changed office locations. Site visits are required for primary care physicians.